Published Papers

  • Aljaž Drnovšek, Damjan Vengust, Patrik Šumandl, Domen Korbar, Aleš Mrzel, and Mojca Vilfan Facile Synthesis Route for Bulk Production of Complex Fullerene-Like MoS2 Nanostructures With Enhanced Tribological Properties, ChemPlusChem, e202400480 (2024).
  • Mojca Vilfan in Igor Vaskivskyi Ustvarjanje atosekundniih sunkov svetlobe za preučevanje dinamike elektronov: Nobelova nagrada za fiziko za leto 2023, Proteus 86, 63-71 (2023).
  • Mojca Vilfan, Borut Lampret, Žiga Gregorin, Luka Cmok, Andrej Vilfan, Jürgen Klepp, Joachim Kohlbrecher, Patricija Hribar Boštjančič, Darja Lisjak, and Alenka Mertelj Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Lane Formation in Ferromagnetic Ferrofluids, Small 19, 2304387 (2023).
  • Mojca Vilfan Polarizacija mavrične svetlobe, Obzornik mat. fiz. 70, 14-24 (2023).
  • Luka Cmok, Simon Mattiazzi, Irena Drevenšek-Olenik, Nerea Sebastian, Kristina Gak Simić, Nemanja Trišović, and Mojca Vilfan Optical switching of bent-core liquid crystals with azocinnamoyl units, Liq. Cryst. 50, 1599-1607 (2023).
  • Luka Cmok, Mojca Vilfan, Sašo Gyergyek, Martin Čopič Magnetic polydomain liquid crystal elastomers - synthesis and characterisation, Liq. Cryst. 48, 1815-1826 (2021).
  • Damjan Vengust, Mojca Vilfan, and Aleš Mrzel Growth of carbon nanofibres on molybdenum carbide nanowires and their self-decoration with noble-metal nanoparticles, R. Soc. Open Sci. 7, 200783 (2020).
  • Damjan Vengust, Matejka Podlogar, Aleš Mrzel, and Mojca Vilfan Rapid reaction of Mo2N nanowires with Pb2+ ions in water and its use for production of PbMoO4 nanoparticles, Mat. Chem. Phys. 226, 20-25 (2019).
  • Mojca Vilfan Plavanje v mikroskopskem svetu, Obzornik mat. fiz. 65, 89-99 (2018).
  • Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman, and Andrej Vilfan Magnetically driven omnidirectional artificial microswimmers, Soft matter 14, 3415-3422 (2018).
  • Damjan Vengust, Jan Ravnik, Aleš Mrzel, and Mojca Vilfan Molybdenum carbide nanowires; facile synthesis, a new hybrid phase and their use as transparent electrodes, RSC Advances 6, 90806 (2016).
  • Andrej Kovič, Aleš Mrzel, Jan Ravnik, Sašo Sturm, and Mojca Vilfan Surface decoration of MoSI nanowires and MoS2 multi-wall nanotubes and platinum nanoparticle encapsulati, Materials letters 159, 333 (2015).
  • Martin Čopič, Mojca Vilfan, and Alenka Mertelj, Flow and anchoring effects on nematic fluctuations in confined geometry, Liquid Crystals 40, 1646 (2013).
  • Andrej Kovič, Damjan Vengust, Mojca Vilfan, and Aleš Mrzel, Controlled self-decoration of Mo6SyIz (8.2 < y + z < 10) nanowires and their transformation to MoS2 nanotubes with gold nanoparticles, J. Nanoparticle Res. 15, 1791 (2013).
  • Aleš Mrzel, Andrej Kovič, Adolf Jesih, and Mojca Vilfan, Decoration of MoSI nanowires with platinum nanoparticles and transformation into molybdenum-nanowire based networks, Proceedings of the International conference nanomaterials, 2, 02PCN19 (2013).
  • Andrej Vilfan, Dušan Babič, Blaž Kavčič, Gašper Kokot, Natan Osterman, Igor Poberaj, and Mojca Vilfan, Measurement of fluid flow generated by artificial cilia, in Artificial Cilia, Eds. J.M.J. de Toonder and P.R. Onck, (The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 2013).
  • Andrej Kovič, Sumeet Kumar, Aleš Mrzel, and Mojca Vilfan, Single-step decoration of MoSI based nanowires with platinum nanoparticles, Proceedings of the 5th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students Conference (2013).
  • Mojca Vilfan, Gašper Kokot, Andrej Vilfan, Natan Osterman, Blaž Kavčič, Igor Poberaj, and Dušan Babič, Analysis of fluid flow around a beating artificial cilium, Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 3, 163 (2012).
  • Gašper Kokot, Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman, Andrej Vilfan, Blaž Kavčič, Igor Poberaj, and Dušan Babič, Measurement of fluid flow generated by artificial cilia, Biomicrofluidics 5, 034103 (2011).
  • Mojca Vilfan, Umetne migetalke iz našega laboratorija, Delo, priloga Znanost, 18. 2. 2010.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Anton Potočnik, Blaž Kavčič, Natan Osterman, Igor Poberaj, Andrej Vilfan, and Dušan Babič, Self-assembled artificial cilia, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. (PNAS) 107, 1844 (2010). This paper has been featured in the Nature Physics News and Views in January 2010 (pdf).
  • Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman, Martin Čopič, Miha Ravnik, Slobodan Žumer, Jurij Kotar, Dušan Babič, and Igor Poberaj, Confinement effect on interparticle potential in nematic colloids, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 237801 (2008).
  • Igor Poberaj, Dušan Babič, Natan Osterman, Jurij Kotar, Mojca Vilfan, and Blaž Kavčič, Micro manipulation of superparamagnetic particles using magneto-optic tweezers, Proc. SPIE 7038, 70381W.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Irena Drevenšek, and Martin Čopič, Dynamical Processes in Confined Liquid Crystals Ed. Renato Torre (Springer, Berlin 2007).
  • Martin Čopič and Mojca Vilfan, Liquid crystal-surface interactions studied by light scattering Proceedings of the 5th International Meeting on Information Display and the 5th International Display Manufacturing Conference, Digest of technical papers, 1711-1714 (2006).
  • Jurij Kotar, Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman, Dusan Babič, Martin Čopič, and Igor Poberaj, Interparticle potential and drag coefficient in nematic colloids, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 207801 (2006).
  • Jurij Kotar, Mojca Vilfan, Dusan Babič, Martin Čopič, and Igor Poberaj, Magneto-optic tweezers studies of interactions in liquid crystal colloids, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 450, 297 (2006).
  • Mojca Vilfan, Manipulacija molekularnih motorjev z optično pinceto Obzornik mat. fiz. 52, 97 (2005).
  • Anabel EM Clemen, Mojca Vilfan, Johann Jaud, Junshan Zhang, Michael Bärman, and Matthias Rief, Force Dependent Stepping Kinetics of Myosin-V, Biophys. J. 88, 4402 (2005).
  • Mojca Vilfan and Martin Čopič, Surface anchoring coefficients measured by dynamic light scattering in Surfaces and Interfaces of Liquid Crystals, Eds. Th. Rasing and I. Muševič (Springer, Berlin 2004).
  • Leopold Mathelitsch, Robert Repnik, Zlatko Bradač, Mojca Vilfan, and Samo Kralj, Flüssigkristalle - Unentbehrlich in Natur, Technik und Forschung, Physik in unserer Zeit 34, 134 (2003).
  • Mojca Vilfan and Martin Čopič, Azimuthal and zenithal anchoring of nematic liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 68, 031704 (2003).
  • Alenka Mertelj, Mojca Vilfan, and Martin Čopič, Thermal fluctuations of disclination lines in a thin nematic film, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 395, 311 (2003).
  • Marija Vilfan, Bostjan Zalar, Adam K. Fontecchio, Mojca Vilfan, Michael J. Escuti, Gregory P. Crawford, and Slobodan Žumer, Deuteron NMR study of molecule ordering in a holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal, Phys. Rev. E 66, 021710 (2002).
  • Mojca Vilfan and Martin Čopič, Temperature dependence of azimuthal anchoring strength measured by dynamic light scattering, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 375, 155 (2002).
  • Mojca Vilfan, Alenka Mertelj, and Martin Čopič, Dynamic light scattering measurement of azimuthal and zenithal anchoring of nematic liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 65, 041712 (2002).
  • Mojca Vilfan, Irena Drevenšek Olenik, Alenka Mertelj, and Martin Čopič, Aging of surface anchoring and surface viscosity of nematic liquid crystal on photoaligning poly-(vinyl-cinnamate), Phys. Rev. E 63, 061709 (2001).
  • Mojca Vilfan and Martin Copic, Comparison of Dynamic and Static Measurements of Surface Anchoring Energy in Nematic Liquid Crystals, Mol. Crys. Liq. Crys. 351, 419 (2000).
  • Mojca Vilfan, Igor Musevič, and Martin Čopič, AFM observation of force on a dielectric sphere in the evanescent field of totally reflected light, Europhys. Lett. 43, 41 (1998).
  • Mojca Vilfan in I. Muševič, Mikroskop na atomsko silo, Obzornik mat. fiz. 43, 16 (1996).

Conference Contributions

  • Luka Cmok in Mojca Vilfan Raziskave mehke snovi v skupini Svetloba in snov. Poster na 13. konferenci fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah; November 2024, Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenija
  • Mojca Vilfan et al., Bidirectional flow in ferromagnetic ferrofluids generated by a uniaxial magnetic field. Poster presented at the 16th International Conference on Magnetic Fluids ICMF23; June 2023, Granada, Spain.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Luka Cmok, Sašo Gyergyek in Martin Čopič, Magnetni tekočekristalni elastomeri. Poster na 12. konferenci fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah; November 2022, Terme Čatež, Slovenija
  • Mojca Vilfan et al., Bidirectional flow in ferromagnetic ferrofluids generated by a uniaxial magnetic field. Oral contribution, 28th International Liquid Crystal Conference ILCC 2022; July 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Luka Cmok, Mojca Vilfan, Sašo Gyergyek and Martin Čopič, Magnetic polydomain liquid crystal elastomers. Poster presented at the 28th International Liquid Crystal Conference ILCC 2022; July 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Mojca Vilfan et al., Observations of bidirectional flow in ferromagnetic ferrofluids generated by uniaxial magnetic field. Poster presented at the 18th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals FLC 2021; September 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Optična pinceta in njena uporaba. Uvodno predavanje na Mafijskem vikendu 2021; Marec 2021, Virtualno srečanje.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Animacije v fotoniki. Predavanje na posvetu v okviru projekta "Digitalna Univerza - z inovativno uporabo IKT do odličnosti"; Maj 2020, Virtualna konferenca.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Gašper Kokot, Natan Osterman, and Andrej Vilfan, Hydrodynamic coupling between artificial cilia. Oral contribution, 5th International Soft Matter Conference; June 2019, Edinburgh,UK.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman, and Andrej Vilfan, Umetni magnetni mikroplavalci. Poster na 11. konferenci fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah; November 2018, Dobrna, Slovenija.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman, and Andrej Vilfan, Magnetically driven omnidirectional artificial microswimmers. Oral contribution, 32nd Conference of The European Colloid and Interface Society; September 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Polona Umek, Damjan Vengust, Mojca Vilfan, Aleš Mrzel, Carbon/molybdenum carbide based new hybrid inorganic nanomaterials. Poster presented at the Fall Meeting on Multi-Functional Nano-Carbon Composite Materials; September 2018, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Andrej Vilfan, Mojca Vilfan, and Natan Osterman, Omnidirectional magnetic microswimmers. Invited talk at Bio-inspired Magnetic Systems, BIMS 2018; July 2018, Exeter, UK.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Hydrodynamic coupling between artificial cilia. Oral contribution, COST action MP1305 Flowing Matter; February 2018, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Aleš Mrzel, Damjan Vengust and Mojca Vilfan, Nanobanksia - novel hybrid inorganic/organic nanomaterial. Poster presented at the YUCOMAT 2017; September 2017, Herceg Novi, Montenegro.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman and Andrej Vilfan, Throwers and Rowers - Artificial Hydrodynamic Swimmers. Poster presented at the Liquid Matter Conference; July 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Hana Majaron, Luka Cmok, Mojca Vilfan, Darja Lisjak, and Alenka Mertelj, Particle Diffusion in Ferromagnetic Liquid Crystals. Poster presented at the Liquid Matter Conference; July 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Aleš Mrzel, Damjan Vengust, Jan Ravnik, Mojca Vilfan, Jože Buh, Dragan Mihailovič and Viktor Kabanov, Molybdenum carbide and superconducting nitride nanowires: facile synthesis, transport measurements and their use as transparent electrodes. Poster presented at the Towards Reality in Nanoscale Materials IX, TRNM Workshop; February 2017, Levi, Finland.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman, and Andrej Vilfan, Isotropic Artificial Microswimmers. Oral contribution, COST action MP1305 Flowing Matter; January 2017, Porto, Portugal.
  • Hana Majaron, Mojca Vilfan, Darja Lisjak, and Alenka Mertelj, Opazovanje difuzije v feromagnetnih tekočih kristalih. Poster na 10. konferenci fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah; Oktober 2016, Otočec.
  • Hana Majaron, Mojca Vilfan, Darja Lisjak, and Alenka Mertelj, Observation of Diffusion in Ferromagnetic Liquid Crystals. Poster presented at the International Liquid Crystal Conference; August 2016, Kent, Ohio.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Hana Majaron, Darja Lisjak, and Alenka Mertelj, Measurement of Diffusion in Anisotropic Fluids. Oral contribution, COST action MP1305 Flowing Matter; January 2016, Porto, Portugal.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman, and Andrej Vilfan, Isotropic Artificial Microswimmers. Oral contribution, COST action MP1305 Flowing Matter; December 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman, Dušan Babič, Igor Poberaj, and Andrej Vilfan, Artificial swimmers at low Reynolds numbers. Poster presented at International Soft Matter Conference; September 2013, Rome, Italy.
  • Andrej Kovič, Damjan Vengust, Mojca Vilfan, and Aleš Mrzel Controlled self-decoration of Mo6SyIz (8.2 < y+z < 10) nanowires and MoS2 nanotubes with gold nanoparticles. Oral contribution, COST action MP0902 Composites of Inorganic Nanotubes and Polymers Workshop and Management Committee Meeting; March 2013, Ercolano, Italy.
  • Aleš Mrzel, Adolf Jesih, Andrej Kovič, Zvonko Jagličič, and Mojca Vilfan, Molybdenum based nanowires and nanotubes by a two-step molybdenum chalcogenide/halide approach and their decoration with noble metals nanoparticles. Oral contribution, 6th COINAPO Topical Meeting: Composites of inorganic nanotubes and polymers; November 2012, Rohovot, Israel.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman, Dušan Babič, Igor Poberaj, and Andrej Vilfan, Artificial swimmers at low Reynolds numbers. Oral contribution, SloNano 2012; October 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Gašper Kokot, Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman, Andrej Vilfan, Blaž Kavčič, Igor Poberaj, and Dušan Babič, Hydrodynamic coupling between artificial cilia. Oral contribution, SloNano 2012; October 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Andrej Kovič, Aleš Mrzel, and Mojca Vilfan, Self-decoration of MoSI nanowires with noble metal nanoparticles. Poster presented at SloNano 2012; October 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Gašper Kokot, Natan Osterman, Blaž Kavčič, Andrej Vilfan, Igor Poberaj, and Dušan Babič, Self-assembled artificial cilia. Oral contribution, Workshop on assembling of superstructures in soft matter; October 2012, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Andrej Kovič, Aleš Mrzel, and Mojca Vilfan, Single step decoration of MoSI nanowires with noble metal nanoparticles. Poster presented at Slovenian Chemical Days 2012; September 2012, Portorož, Slovenia.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Generation of fluid flow by artificial cilia. Invited oral contribution, Topical Research Meeting on Physics: Swimming and Complexity at low Reynolds number; June 2012, London, UK.
  • Gašper Kokot, Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman, Andrej Vilfan, Blaž Kavčič, Igor Poberaj, and Dušan Babič, Measurement of fluid flow generated by artificial cilia. Oral contribution, 2nd European Conference on Microfluidics 2010 (MicroFlu'10); December 2010, Toulouse, France.
  • Andrej Vilfan, Anton Potočnik, Blaž Kavčič, Natan Osterman, Gašper Kokot, Mojca Vilfan, Igor Poberaj, and Dušan Babič, Magnetically driven self-assembled artificial cilia. Oral contribution, 2nd European Conference on Microfluidics 2010 (MicroFlu'10); December 2010, Toulouse, France.
  • Andrej Vilfan, Anton Potočnik, Blaž Kavčič, Natan Osterman, Gašper Kokot, Mojca Vilfan, Igor Poberaj, and Dušan Babič, Umetne migetalke na magnetni pogon. Predavanje na 7. konferenci fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah; November 2010, Portorož, Slovenija.
  • Gašper Kokot, Mojca Vilfan, Anton Potočnik, Blaž Kavčič, Natan Osterman, Igor Poberaj, Andrej Vilfan, and Dušan Babič, Pumping performance of self-assembled artificial cilia. Oral contribution, XBW 2009, 4th Christmas Biophysics Workshop; December 2009, Leibnitz, Austria.
  • Andrej Vilfan, Anton Potočnik, Natan Osterman, Blaž Kavčič, Mojca Vilfan, Igor Poberaj, and Dušan Babič, Self-assemled biomimetic cilia. Oral contribution, SloNano 2009; October 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman, Miha Ravnik, Dusan Babič, Martin Čopič, Slobodan Žumer, and Igor Poberaj, Interactions between particles in nematic colloids studied by magneto-optical tweezers. Oral contribution, 10th European Conference on Liquid Crystals; April 2009, Colmar, France.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Anton Potočnik, Andrej Vilfan, Natan Osterman, Dusan Babič, and Igor Poberaj, Self-assemled biomimetic cilia. Oral contribution, 3rd Christmas Biophysics Workshop: Organized molecular systems; December 2008, Donja Stubica, Croatia.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman, Martin Čopič, Miha Ravnik, Slobodan Žumer, Dušan Babič, and Igor Poberaj, Merjenje meddelčnega potenciala v omejenih nematskih koloidih. Poster na 6. nacionalni konferenci fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah; November 2008, Podčetrtek, Slovenija.
  • Natan Osterman, Jurij Kotar, Dušan Babič, Mojca Vilfan, Martin Čopič, Miha Ravnik, Slobodan Žumer, and Igor Poberaj, Nematic colloids studied with magneto-optical tweezers. Oral contribution, The 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference; July 2008, Jeju, Korea.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Jurij Kotar, Natan Osterman, Dušan Babič, Martin Čopič, and Igor Poberaj, Magneto-optical tweezers measurement of interparticle potential and drag coefficient in nematic colloids. Poster presented at the International School of Liquid Crystals; July 2006, Erice, Italy.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Jurij Kotar, Natan Osterman, Dušan Babič, Martin Čopič, Igor Poberaj, Magneto-optic tweezers measurement of inter-particle potential and drag coefficient in nematic colloids, Poster presented at the 21th International Liquid Crystal Conference; July 2006, Keystone, CO, USA.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Anabel Clemen, Johann Jaud, J. Zhang, Michael Baermann, and Matthias Rief, Force dependent stepping kinetics of myosin-V. Poster presented at the Frontiers in Chemical Biology: Single Molecules; March 2006, Cambridge, UK.
  • Jurij Kotar, Mojca Vilfan, Natan Osterman, Dušan Babič, and Igor Poberaj, Comparison of optical and magnetic tweezers study of inter-particle interactions in liquid crystals. Poster presented at the 11th International Topical Meeting on Optics of Liquid Crystals; October 2005, Clearwater, FL, USA.
  • J. Christoph M. Gebhardt, Anabel E.M. Clemen, Johann Jaud, Mojca Vilfan, and Matthias Rief, Myosin-V stepping kinetics under high forces. Poster presented at the Joint 61st Harden Conference/EMBO Workshop - Molecular motors: structure and function; September 2005, Cambridge, UK.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Anabel Clemen, Johann Jaud, and Matthias Rief, Stepping kinetics of myosin-V under high loads. Poster presented at the International Biophysical Congress; August 2005, Montpellier, France.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Anabel Clemen, Johann Jaud, Junshan Zhang, Michael Bärmann, and Matthias Rief, Force Dependent Stepping Kinetics of Myosin-V. Poster presented at the GRC Muscle: Contractile proteins; July 2005, Colby-Sawyer College, NH, USA.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Anabel Clemen, Johann Jaud, and Matthias Rief, Investigating processive molecular motor myosin-V under load using optical tweezers. Poster presented at the Regional Biophysics Meeting; March 2005, Zreče, Slovenia.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Stephane Joly, Martin Čopič, and Ivan Dozov, Experimental studies of the anchoring energy function. Poster presented at the 8th European Conference on Liquid Crystals; February 2005, Sesto, Italy.
  • Jurij Kotar, Mojca Vilfan, Dušan Babič, Martin Čopič, and Igor Poberaj, Magneto-optic studies of interactions in liquid crystal colliods. Poster presented at the 8th European Conference on Liquid Crystals; February 2005, Sesto, Italy.
  • Anabel Clemen, Johann Jaud, Mojca Vilfan, Junshan Zhang, Michael Bärmann, and Matthias Rief, Force Dependent Stepping Kinetics of Myosin-V. Poster presented at the Biophysical Society 49th Annual Meeting; February 2005, Long Beach, CA, USA.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Anabel Clemen, Johann Jaud, and Matthias Rief, Preučevanje molekularnih motorjev z optično pinceto. Predavanje na 4. konferenci fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah; November 2004, Cerkno, Slovenia.
  • Mojca Vilfan and Martin Čopič, Measurement of azimuthal and zenithal anchoring coefficients of nematic liquid crystals. Poster presented at the 20th International Liquid Crystal Conference; July 2004, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Anabel Clemen, Johann Jaud, and Matthias Rief, Stepping kinetics of myosin V under high external load. Poster presented at the 322. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Molecular Motors; April 2004, Bad Honnef, Germany.
  • Anabel Clemen, Mojca Vilfan, Johann Jaud, and Matthias Rief, Investigating myosin V stepping kinetics with optical tweezers. Poster presented at the 322. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Molecular Motors; April 2004, Bad Honnef, Germany.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Investigating Myosin V Stepping Kinetics with Optical Tweezers. Oral contribution, Winterschule 2004, Lehrstuhl für Biophysik E22; March 2004, Antholz, Italy.
  • Matthias Rief, Ingo Schwaiger, Anabel Clemen, Johann Jaud, and Mojca Vilfan, Single Molecule Mechanics of Molecular Motors. Oral contribution, European Life Scientist Organization (ELSO); September 2003; Dresden, Germany.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Investigating Molecular Motors using Optical Methods. Oral contribution, Innonvations and Experiences in Applied Optics and Related Fields; August 2003, La Clusaz, France.
  • Matthias Rief, Ingo Schwaiger, Hendrik Dietz, Anabel Clemen, Mojca Vilfan, and Johann Jaud, Structural and conformational mechanics of single biomolecules. Invited talk, 4th European Biophysics Congress; July 2003, Alicante, Spain.
  • Anabel Clemen, Johann Jaud, Mojca Vilfan, and Matthias Rief, Investigating myosin-V stepping kinetics with optical tweezers. Poster presented at the 4th European Biophysics Congress; July 2003, Alicante, Spain.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Johann Jaud, Anabel Clemen, and Matthias Rief, Investigating the stepping mechanism of molecular motor myosin V. Poster presented at the 4th European Biophysics Congress; July 2003, Alicante, Spain.
  • Mojca Vilfan and Martin Čopič, Azimuthal and zenithal anchoring of nematic liquid crystals. Poster presented at the European Conference on Liquid Crystals; April 2003, Jaca, Spain.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Anabel Clemen, Johann Jaud, and Matthias Rief, Investigating stepping kinetics of processive molecular motors by optical tweezers. Poster presented at the NATO ASI School: Forces, growth and form in soft condensed matter; March 2003, Geilo, Norway.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Investigating Stepping Kinetics of Molecular Motor Myosin V. Oral contribution, Winterschule 2003, Lehrstuhl für Biophysik E22; March 2003, Antholz, Italy.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Der lange Weg der Flüssigkristalle. Oral contribution, Licht- und Teilchenoptik Workshop; July 2002, La Clusaz, France.
  • Mojca Vilfan and Martin Čopič, Azimuthal and zenithal anchoring strengths of a nematic liquid crystal measured by dynamic light scattering. Oral contribution, 19th International Liquid Crystal Conference; July 2002, Edinburgh, UK.
  • Mojca Vilfan and Martin Čopič, Temperature dependence of anchoring energy of a nematic liquid crystal measured by dynamic light scattering. Oral contribution, 30. Freiburger Arbeitstagung Flüssigkristalle; March 2002, Freiburg, Germany.
  • Marija Vilfan, Boštjan Zalar, Adam K. Fontecchio, Mojca Vilfan, Michael J. Escuti, Gregory P. Crawford, and Slobodan Žumer, Deuteron NMR Study of a Holographic Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal. Poster presented at the 30. Freiburger Arbeitstagung Flüssigkristalle; March 2002, Freiburg, Germany.
  • Mojca Vilfan and Martin Čopič, Anchoring energy measurements of nematic liquid crystals on polymeric layers using dynamic light scattering. Poster presented at the Seminar in memory of Pier Luigi Nordio; January 2002, Padova, Italy.
  • Alenka Mertelj, Mojca Vilfan, and Martin Čopič, Thermal fluctuations od disclination lines in a thin nematic film. Poster presented at the 9th International Topical Meeting on Optics of Liquid Crystals, OLC 2001; October 2001, Sorrento, Italy.
  • Martin Čopič, Mojca Vilfan, and Alenka Mertelj, Interaction of liquid crystal with surfaces studied by dynamic light scattering. Invited talk, 9th International Topical Meeting on Optics of Liquid Crystals, OLC 2001; October 2001, Sorrento, Italy.
  • Mojca Vilfan and Martin Čopič, Temperature dependence of azimuthal anchoring coefficient measured by dynamic light scattering. Poster presented at the International Topical Meeting on Optics of Liquid Crystals, OLC 2001; October 2001, Sorrento, Italy.
  • Martin Čopič, Mojca Vilfan, and Alenka Mertelj, Interaction of liquid crystals with surfaces studied by dynamic light scattering. Invited talk, VII International Conference on Advanced Materials, ICAM 2001; August 2001, Cancun, Mexico.
  • Marija Vilfan, Adam K. Fontecchio, Mojca Vilfan, Michael J. Escuti, Boštjan Zalar, Gregory P. Crawford, and Slobodan Žumer, Deuteron NMR Study of a Holographically-formed Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal. Poster presented at the 6th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy; September 2001, Nottingham, UK.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Irena Drevenšek, Alenka Mertelj, and Martin Čopič, Aging of Liquid Crystal anchoring on Photoaligning Polymers. Poster presented at the European Conference on Liquid Crystals, ECLC 01; March 2001, Halle(Saale), Germany.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Irena Drevenšek-Olenik, Alenka Mertelj, and Martin Čopič, Merjenje energije sidranja tekočega kristala na fotopolimeru z dinamičnim sipanjem svetlobe. Poster na 2. nacionalni konferenci fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah; November 2000, Zreče, Slovenija.
  • Alenka Mertelj, Mojca Vilfan, and Martin Čopič, Dynamics of defects in confined nematic liquid crystals: A dynamic light scattering study. Poster presented at the International School of Liquid Crystals; Computer Simulations of Defects in Liquid Crystals Including their Relation to Theory and Experiment; September 2000, Erice, Italy.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Irena Drevenšek-Olenik, Alenka Mertelj, and Martin Čopič, Surface Anchoring of Liquid Crystals on Polymeric Alignment Layers: A Dynamic Light Scattering Study. Poster presented at the Chemistry and Characterization of Mesophase Materials, CCMM 2000; September 2000, Bayreuth, Germany.
  • Mojca Vilfan and Martin Čopič, Surface Anchoring Measured by Dynamic Light Scattering. Oral contribution presented at the SILC Mini School on Introduction to Theory and Modelling of Thermotropic Liquid Crystals; April 2000, Portorož, Slovenia.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Martin Čopič, Igor Musevič, Valery Bourny, and H.T. Nguyen, Observation of Orientational Fluctuations in an Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal by Dynamic Light Scattering. Poster presented at the International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals, FLC 99; August 1999, Darmstadt, Germany.
  • Mojca Vilfan and Martin Čopič, Comparison of Dynamic and Static Measurements of Surface Anchoring Energy in Nematic Liquid Crystals. Poster presented at the European Conference on Liquid Crystals, ECLC 99; April 1999, Hersonissos, Greece.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Igor Musevič, and Martin Čopič, Merjenje sile na dielektrik v evanescentnem polju totalno odbite svetlobe z AFM. Poster na 1. nacionalni konferenci fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah; Oktober 1998, Ljubljana, Slovenia.


  • Zakaj so mokre kopalke temnejše od suhih?; prispevek za Radiovedne, podkast Vala 202; Oktober 2024.
  • Poročilo o delavnici o feroelektričnih nematskih tekočih kristalih, Novice IJS, 209, 12-13 (2024).
  • Supervisor of a Master's Thesis: Vpliv magnetnega polja na dinamiko fluktuacij v feromagnetnih nematskih tekočih kristalih, UL, 2024.
  • Zakaj imamo na fotografijah rdeče oči?; prispevek za Radiovedne, podkast Vala 202; Februar 2024.
  • Nobelovi nagrajenci za fiziko 2023: Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Kreusz in Anne L'Huillier; short report for the European Researchers' Night Humanistika, to si ti!; November 2023.
  • Irena Drevenšek-Olenik and Mojca Vilfan, Optika; book on optics in Slovenian; Založba FMF, 2023.
  • Bidirectional flow in ferromagnetic ferrofluids; talk presented at University of Latvia, Riga; December 2022.
  • Member of the judging committee for National 'Safe-Cracking' Physics Tournament in 2021, 2022 and 2024; and member of the judging committee for Slovenian national competition in Elastomobiles (2021, 2023).
  • Member of the judging committee for Slovenian Young Physicists' Tournament (SiYPT) in 2019, 2021, 2023 and Austrian Young Physicists' Tournament (AYPT) in 2021 (online), 2022 and 2023 (Leoben).
  • Mojca Vilfan, Optical experiments for high schools (suitable for online teaching); Workshop for teachers, 14. 4. 2022, Faculty of mathematics and physics, Ljubljana.
  • Gorazd Planinšič, Irena Drevenšek Olenik, Mojca Vilfan, Gregor Brumec, Fizikalna (z)gibanica - polarizacija svetlobe Brochure for future physics students at the Faculty of mathematics and physics, Ljubljana, 2022.
  • Hibridna mednarodna konferenca o feroelektričnih tekočih kristalih FLC 2021; Novice IJS, 2021.
  • FLC 2021, Editor of the Book of Abstracts; September 2021, Ljubljana.
  • Mojca Vilfan and Nerea Sebastian, FLC 2021, Programme Book; September 2021, Ljubljana.
  • Scientific Advisor and member of the local organising committee for the 18th International conference on liquid crystals FLC; September 2021, Ljubljana.
  • Martin Čopič and Mojca Vilfan, Fotonika; book on photonics in Slovenian; Založba FMF, 2020.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Animating Students with Animations and Quizzes; 12 November 2020, Odsečni seminar, Institut Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana.
  • Supervisor of a Diploma Thesis, Kalibracija simulatorja za preverjanje LIDAR merilnikov hitrosti, UL, Junij 2020.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Artificial life at low Reynolds number; 12 March 2018, Invited talk at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana.
  • Liquid Matter 2017, Editor of the Book of Abstracts; July 2017, Ljubljana.
  • Natan Osterman, Mojca Vilfan and Primož Ziherl Liquid Matter 2017, Conference Book; July 2017, Ljubljana.
  • Liquid Matter 2017, Member of the organising committee; July 2017, Ljubljana.
  • Co-supervisor of MSc thesis April 2016, Ljubljana.
  • Light and Matter - infinite challenges, Member of the organising committee; December 2015, Ljubljana.
  • Spoznavamo naravo 7, Co-author of textbook on natural sciences for 7th-grade students, 2014.
  • Spoznavamo naravo 6, Co-author of textbook on natural sciences for 6th-grade students, 2011 and reprint 2012.
  • SloNano 2009, Member of the organising committee; October 2009, Ljubljana.
  • Mojca Vilfan and Robert Dominko, SLONANO 2009: 8. mednarodna konferenca o nanoznanosti in nanotehnologiji, Novice IJS, December 2009.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Recenzija knjige Fiziki, 6. del, Obzornik Mat. Fiz. 56, 97 (2009).
  • Co-supervisor of two Diploma Theses (2005 and 2008).
  • Mojca Vilfan, prispevek v knjigi Fizika, moj poklic: življenje in delo naših fizičark Ljubljana: Društvo jedrskih strokovnjakov Slovenije, 2007.
  • International Mathematical Olympiad, IMO 2006, Member of the organising committee; July 2006, Ljubljana.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Preučevanje procesivnih molekularnih motorjev z opticno pinceto; 4 January 2005, Seminar Laboratorija za biofiziko (EPR center), Institut Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana.
  • International Liquid Crystal Conference, ILCC 2004, Member of the organizing committee; July 2004, Ljubljana.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Preučevanje kinetike molekularnega motorja (miozin V) z optično pinceto; 6 May 2004, Odsečni seminar, Institut Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Single molecule fluorescence experiments on myosin V; 16 April 2003, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Processivity of molecular motor myosin V; 5 February 2003, Technische Universität, München.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Preučevanje procesivnih molekularnih motorjev z optičnimi metodami; 6 January 2003, Institut Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana.
  • Mojca Vilfan, The discovery of liquid crystals; 27 November 2002, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Surface anchoring of liquid crystals; 29 May 2002, Cavendish Laboratory, Universitry of Cambridge, UK.
  • Mojca Vilfan, Surface anchoring of liquid crystals studied by dynamic light scattering; 28 January 2002, Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität, München.


  • BSc in Physics, University of Ljubljana, 1997.
  • PhD in Physics, University of Ljubljana, 2001.
  • Partridge Fellow, Fitzwilliam College and Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, UK, 2002.
  • Marie Curie Fellow, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, Germany, 2002-2003.
  • NATO Reintegration grant holder, 2004-2008.
  • Working at J. Stefan Institute since 1997.
  • Working part-time at University of Ljubljana since 1997.
  • Member of International Liquid Crystal Society (ILCS).
  • Member and elected President of the Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia (DMFA).
  • Speak Slovenian (native), English (fluent), German (fluent), French (improving) and learning Italian.